First Automatically Posted Blog Entry

The template now works, for the Django category at any rate. This post, complete with linebreaks etc. will be saved to the database and automatically inserted into the Django posts page.

All that remains now is to duplicate for the homepage and the remaining categories and I should have a fully functional blog website!

Go ME! Go Django!

First Pass at Creating Post Forms

This is the first blog post I am writing in Django using my newly created forms.

There are still a few things to do. Hopefully this will appear in the database when it is saved though. I should be able to check that in the admin interface.

Not sure how these line breaks and new paragraphs will be handled, particularly when I try and automatically load posts from the database into the (as yet uncreated) template!

Progress is being made though. Just as well as it is Friday night and I start the MSc program on Monday morning - would be great to get this ironed out fully by then!

EDIT - the post saved correctly!